Last Updated: 20/07/2021
Lesson 2 - Hello World
Lessons >> Basics >> Lesson 2 - Hello World
Lesson Contents
Why "Hello World" is important Structure of a line of code including the semi colon Functions learnt: Serial.begin(), Serial.print(), Serial,println() Printing Text, Numbers and Calculations Reminders and how to version code in a simple way User of Serial Window Setting Baud Rate and what it means
Example 1: SerialPrintv1.ino
Click to Download code:SerialPrintv1.ino
Print Hello World to serial monitor
/* 16/07/2021
* SerialPrintv1
* Purpose, print Hello World to serial
* After completeing lesson alter spelling case of functions to see error
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send Hello World
Serial.println("Hello World");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Example 2: SerialPrintv2.ino
Click to Download code:SerialPrintv2.ino
Print Numbers to serial monitorLearn the difference between numbers as a Variable and numbers as text print calculations
/* 16/07/2021
* SerialPrintv2
* Purpose, tp print numbers
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//sends 123 as a text string to serial
//sends 123456 as a number
//send 5+10
//send 5+10 as text
//send 5*10
void loop() {
// print in the loop
Serial.println("Serial Print in loop");
Example 3: SerialPrintv3.ino
Click to Download code:SerialPrintv3.ino
The difference between Serial.print() and Serial.println()
/* 16/07/2021
Purpose, to use function Serial.print does not put a carriage return at the end of the line
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//Serial.print NOT Serial.println
Serial.print("Val X: ");
Serial.print("Val X: ");
void loop() {
// print in the loop
//line below has been commented out
//Serial.println("Serial Print in loop");
Example 3: SerialPrintv4.ino
Click to Download code:SerialPrintv4.ino
An example of how variables would be printed out from the loop()
/* 16/07/2021
Purpose, to use function Serial.print does not put a carriage return at the end of the line
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//Serial.print NOT Serial.println
Serial.print("Val X: ");
Serial.print("Val X: ");
void loop() {
// print in the loop
//line below has been commented out
//Serial.println("Serial Print in loop");
Additional Resource Links
Don't forget to use the Reference in you Arduino IDE and look at Serial for more help on this lesson.Comments
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