/* 19/07/2021 ifelsev1 Purpose, to to learn to use the "if" function */ //choosing a name int q; //start with a lower case letter, if a second word no spaces butu start with a capital letter //Example below int myNumber; int myDistance; void setup() { // Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second Serial.begin(9600); //Send script name Serial.println("ifelsev1..."); //this will print a blank line Serial.println(" "); } void loop() { // print in the loop Serial.print("Val q: "); Serial.println(q); // ">" means greater than /* if(q > 10){//change the value from 10 to 20 q = 0; } */ if(q > 20){//change the value from 10 to 20 q = 0; } q++; delay(100); }