Last Updated: 09/08/2021
L298N Motor Driver
Components >> L298N Motor Driver
What is a L298N controller board?
The L298N controller board is capable of controlling normal DC motors of stepper motors.
It can handle voltages between 5-35v and can handle power up to 2 amps, way more than an Arduino could handle.
Why use one?
An Arduino cannot handle the power to drive an electric motor so this board acts as a controller for the motor/s. The Arduino sends signals to the L298N to tell it what motors should be powered and what direction that power should be applied allowing motors to be turned backwards or forwards.
The board can drive 2 DC motors, for those doing the robot car project two motors attached to one port is treated as a single motor.
The controller can also power a stepper motor, allowing the motor to move an exact number of steps.
L298 schematic
Below is the schematic for the L298N
Motor control pins connect to Arduino OUTPUT pins.
Leave the 5v Enable connector in place.
The enable pins when connected to 5v turn the controller on for that motor. You will see from the photo that connectors have been fitted between the enable pin and the 5v pin above it to allow the motor to be used. This could have been supplied with a 5v from an Arduino pin if needed.
The 12v input is the power input for the motors and can be between 5-35v depending on the motors you are using.
NOTE: the controller loses about 1.5v internally so if you supply 6v to the board the motors will only get about 4.5v.
The following table shows how to use the control pins.
This is an example wiring diagram from the Robot Car project
Controlling the L298N board with an Arduino Uno
Tutorial contentsThis first tutorial will just deal with controlling DC motors.
Writing a test sketch for the L298N
Writing Functions to simplify control.
Example 1: L298Nv1BasicControl.ino
For those doing the robot car who just want to check their wiring just download the code and upload it to your Arduino,
The left wheels should go forwards for 5 seconds
Stop for 5 seconds
Left wheels reverse for 5 seconds
Stop for 5 seconds
Right hand wheels forwards for 5 seconds.
Stop for 5 seconds.
Right hand wheels reverse for 5 seconds.
Stop for 5 seconds.
repeat above.
If you open the Serial monitor it will show you the command being sent..
Click to Download code:L298Nv1BasicControl.ino
This code uses lessons learnt in:
Lesson2 "Hello World"
Lesson 7: delay();
Functions 1: digitalWrite();
/* 29/07/2021
* L298Nv1BasicControl
* Simple Sketch to control the L298N Motor controller.
* L298N Configuration
* Both Enable pin jumpers fitted...
* This gives 5v to the enable pins that allows the motor to be controlled.
* Simple version the enable pin is the master on off switch, 5v means it's on.
* Wiring from Arduino to LN298N
* Arduino pin 11 to L298N pin IN1
* Arduino pin 10 to L298N pin IN2
* Arduino pin 9 to L298N pin IN3
* Arduino pin 8 to L298N pin IN4
* Wire from Arduino Ground (GND) to Ground pin that the battery is attached to (Black)
//define some constant vaiariables for the opins used to control the L298N
const int leftForwardPin = 10;
const int leftReversePin = 11;
const int rightForwardPin = 8;
const int rightReversePin = 9;
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//Tell the Arduino what we we will be using the pins for.
//OUTPUT means that we will be sending data from the pin
pinMode(leftForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftReversePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightReversePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Lets start by turning the wheels forwards on the left side
//Making the pin HIGH means that a 5v signal will be sent
Serial.println("left motor forwards");
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
//Making the pin LOW means we turn off the 5v and the pin returns to 0v
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//wait 5 seconds
//Stop the motor
Serial.println("Stop left motor");
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
Serial.println("Reverse left motor");
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, HIGH);
Serial.println("Stop left motor");
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
Serial.println("right motor forwards");
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
//Making the pin LOW means we turn off the 5v and the pin returns to 0v
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
//wait 5 seconds
//Stop the motor
Serial.println("Stop right motor");
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
Serial.println("Reverse right motor");
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, HIGH);
Serial.println("Stop right motor");
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
Example 2: L298Nv2BasicControlFunctions.ino
Click to Download code:L298Nv2BasicControlFunctions.ino
This code uses lessons learnt in:
Lesson 9: Basics of creating and using functions
/* 29/07/2021
* L298Nv2ControlFunctions
* This sketch puts the basic commands into functions
* L298N Configuration
* Both Enable pin jumpers fitted...
* This gives 5v to the enable pins that allows the motor to be controlled.
* Simple version the enable pin is the master on off switch, 5v means it's on.
* Wiring from Arduino to LN298N
* Arduino pin 11 to L298N pin IN1
* Arduino pin 10 to L298N pin IN2
* Arduino pin 9 to L298N pin IN3
* Arduino pin 8 to L298N pin IN4
* Wire from Arduino Ground (GND) to Ground pin that the battery is attached to (Black)
const int leftForwardPin = 10;
const int leftReversePin = 11;
const int rightForwardPin = 8;
const int rightReversePin = 9;
//Best practise is to make sure both pins are set correctly for each direction
//as we will not know what state the pin had been in before the function was called
//function to make the left motors run forwards
void forwardRight(){
Serial.println("left motor forwards, turn right");
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
//Making the pin LOW means we turn off the 5v and the pin returns to 0v
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//Right motor stopped, both pins low
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
//function to make the left motors run in reverse
void reverseRight(){
Serial.println("Reverse left motor, reverse right");
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, HIGH);
//Right motor stopped, both pins low
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
//function to make the right motors run forwards
void forwardLeft(){
Serial.println("right motor forwards, forwards left");
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
//Making the pin LOW means we turn off the 5v and the pin returns to 0v
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
//left motor stopped, both pins low
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//function to make the right motors run in reverse
void reverseLeft(){
Serial.println("Reverse right motor, reverse left");
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, HIGH);
//left motor stopped, both pins low
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//this function calls both stop functions together
void stopMotors(){
Serial.println("Stop motors");
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//calls both forward functions
void driveForward(){
Serial.println("Both motors forwards");
//Both motors forwards pins HIGH
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, LOW);
//calls both reverse functions
void driveReverse(){
Serial.println("Both motors reverse");
//Both motors reverse pins HIGH
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightReversePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftReversePin, HIGH);
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//Tell the Arduino what we we will be using the pins for.
//OUTPUT means that we will be sending data from the pin
pinMode(leftForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftReversePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightReversePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//start driving forwards
//keep going for 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)
//stop the left motor
//turn right
//turn left
//Stop the motors
//Reverse car
//stop the left motor
//reverse left
//reverse left
Additional Resource Links
Don't forget to use the Reference in you Arduino IDE and look at the Control Structures and Comparison Operators for more help on this lesson.Comments
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