Last Updated: 30/12/2024
Below is a lost of various components, click on the component to see the tutorial and sample code.
Most code will work on Arduino UNO/Mega/ESP8266 and ESP32.
How to use either a single or multiple VL53L0X distance sensors. The version I found worked best are the VL53L0X version available on this link. |
Click Image for larger Version |
DY-HV8F, DY-HV20T, DY-SV8F and DY-SV5W MP3 Players with Arduino UNO, Mega 2560 and ESP32. |
Click Image for larger Version
IMPORTANT: DIP switch Positions |
DY-HV8F and DY-HV20T MP3 Player with Arduino UNO, Mega 2560 and ESP32. |
Click Image for larger Version
IMPORTANT: DIP switch Positions |
JQ8900 MP3 Player with Arduino UNO, Mega 2560 and ESP32.
CD4021B Shift Register 11/03/2024 |
GS-1502 Linear Servo 08/01/2024 |
ESP32 with ILI9488 SPI LCD Touch or is it a ILI9486? FT6236 Capacitive touch screen. 17/01/2024 |
Multiple PCA9685 PWM Servo Boards with servos and LED's 05/01/2024 |
PCA9685 PWM Servo Board 27/12/2023 |
DY-SV5W MP3 Player |
DY-SV5W MP3 Player Arduino Uno and Mega 2560 15/12/2023 |
Stepper motors without microDelay() 25/11/2023 |
Arduino and Namur type sensor 10/11/2021 |
State Machine Example based around model railway requirements 08/03/2023 |
DFmini player & MP3-TF-16P v3.0 Player 21/12/2022 |
Arduino UNO and ESP32 controlling LED's with PCA9685 05/05/2022 |
Arduino UNO with 24LC256 External EEPROM 16/03/2022 | |
Arduino Uno built in EEPROM 08/12/2021 |
ESP32 with GT911 Capacitative Touch 10/01/2022 | |
ESP32 with ILI9481 SPI LCD Touch Screen or is it a ILI9486? 02/01/2022 | |
L298N Motor controller board 09/08/2021 |
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor 12/08/2021 |
Servos 13/08/2021 |
LCD Touch Screen Basics 09/09/2021 |
ads1256 24bit ADC with Arduino Due 24/09/2021 |
JSN-SR04T Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor 24/09/2021 |
Serial MP3 player 28/09/2021 |
Rain Drop Sensor 01/10/2021 |
NeoPixels 04/11/2021 |
Photointerrupter HY301 01/12/2021 |
How To's
How To 1 : Debouncing buttons 15/09/2021
How To 2 : Multiple HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensors using bit shifting with 74HC595 05/10/2021
How To 3 : Issues when joining two sketches together 22/10/2021
How To 4 : Creating a Project - Alarm example 25/10/2021
How To 5 : Nema 17 stepper motor using micros() for timing. 08/12/2021
How To 6 : FIFO (Circular) Buffer 23/12/2023
If you have any projects you would like videos on please email the address in this image: and use Components as a reference.