Last Updated:19/03/2024
Functions Lesson - map() with neopixels
Functions >> Functions Lesson - map() with neopixels
What does map() do?
Map allows you to find a value in a range of numbers based on a value in another range of numbers.
When we look in the Arduino reference the syntax is: map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)
For this example we will start with two ranges. With simple values this may seem quicker with a simple equasion but when ranges become complicated or are dynamically changing the map function can save a lot of brain ache. |
Now lets move to a real world example. So for this example we have a pixel range of 0 - 479 while the touch system is working in the opposite direction with a starting offset of 20. screenPostion is the true screen position, touchPos would be the value between 1236 and 20 that the touch system feeds back. |
For the first 2 examples I just used an UNO.
For example 3 with the neopixels the neopixels signal pin is connected to the UNO pin 8.
5v - 5V
I am only using 5 neopixels. If you use a longer string you will need a seperate 5v power supply.
Example 1: mapFunctionv1.ino
Click to Download code:mapFunctionv1.ino
This example shows a few different maps being used with their outputs
/* mapFunctionv1
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long timerMillis;
int timerLength = 500;
int inputValue;
long outputValue;
void setup() {
//Simple Start
inputValue = 20;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 0, 10000);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 0, 10000) Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
inputValue = 5;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 0, 10000);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 0, 10000) Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
//Now the toLow and toHigh are more complex values
inputValue = 5;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 280, 229821);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 0, 100, 280, 229821) Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
//Now the fromLow and fromHigh and toLow and toHigh are more complex values
inputValue = 286;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 225, 336, 280, 229821);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 225, 336, 280, 229821) Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
inputValue = 10;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 100, 200, 280, 229821);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("map(inputValue, 100, 200, 280, 229821) Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
//This shows how numbers still get calculated outside the range
inputValue = 10;
outputValue = map(inputValue, 100, 200, 1000, 2000);
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 100, 200, 1000, 2000); Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
//Practical uses Touch screen
//X reversed and different start finish and reversed
//screen is 0-479... 480 pixels
//often the touch screen will read from something like 1236 - 20
//so how would our map look
inputValue = 60;//the point being touched
outputValue = map(inputValue, 1236, 20, 0, 479);
Serial.println("Touch screen example");
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 1236, 20, 0, 479); Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
inputValue = 1230;//the point being touched
outputValue = map(inputValue, 1236, 20, 0, 479);
Serial.println("Touch screen example 2");
Serial.print("inputValue: ");
Serial.print("outputValue = map(inputValue, 1236, 20, 0, 479); Gives: ");
Serial.println(" ");
void loop() {
Example 2: mapFunctionv2Neopixel.ino
This sketch uses 3 map() function to allow the system to fade between different RGB states of the neopixel.
Click to Download code:mapFunctionv2Neopixel.ino
/* mapFunctionv2Neopixel
//Library needs to be included
#include "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h"
// Set the pin that is connected to the D0 on the Neopixel string
#define PIN 8
#define NUMPIXELS 5 // Number of Neopixels
// see Adafruit strandtest example for more information on possible values.
//sets up an Object called "pixels" that our instructions will be sent to
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long timerMillis;
//int timerLength = 50;//slower fade
int timerLength = 10;//faster fade
int inputValue;//keeps track of the number of steps in the fade
int routputValue;
int goutputValue;
int boutputValue;
//Red values
int rfromLow;
int rfromHigh;
int rtoLow;
int rtoHigh;
//green values
int gfromLow;
int gfromHigh;
int gtoLow;
int gtoHigh;
//blue values
int bfromLow;
int bfromHigh;
int btoLow;
int btoHigh;
void setup() {
//This line starts by initialising "pixels"
pixels.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED)
pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
//Nothing changes until this line is sent; // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.
setTargetValues();//put some initial values
void loop() {
currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - timerMillis >= timerLength) {
timerMillis = currentMillis;
//use the map function to find the next colour settings to change the neopixel to for the R G B channels
routputValue = map(inputValue,0,50,rtoLow,rtoHigh);
goutputValue = map(inputValue,0,50,gtoLow,gtoHigh);
boutputValue = map(inputValue,0,50,btoLow,btoHigh);
//send the values to the neopixels
pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(routputValue, goutputValue, boutputValue));;//change the neopixels values...display the new values
if(inputValue > 49){//0-50 steps so reset
inputValue = 0;
setTargetValues();//Set new targets
//This function sets a random values for each R,G,B element of the neopixel.
void setTargetValues(){
rtoLow = rtoHigh;//red set the start value as the old target
gtoLow = gtoHigh;//green set the start value as the old target
btoLow = btoHigh;//blue set the start value as the old target
rtoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Red
gtoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Green
btoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Blue
Example 3: mapFunctionv3Neopixel.ino
This sketch uses 3 map() function to allow the system to fade between different RGB states of the neopixel.
Click to Download code:mapFunctionv3Neopixel.ino
/* mapFunctionv3Neopixel
fade moving up a row of neopixels
//Library needs to be included
#include "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h"
// Set the pin that is connected to the D0 on the Neopixel string
#define PIN 8
#define NUMPIXELS 5 // Number of Neopixels
// see Adafruit strandtest example for more information on possible values.
//sets up an Object called "pixels" that our instructions will be sent to
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long timerMillis;
int timerLength = 50;//slower fade
//int timerLength = 10;//faster fade
int inputValue;
//As I have 5 neopixels I use a 5 element array for each channel R,G,B
int routputValue[5];
int goutputValue[5];
int boutputValue[5];
//Red values
int rfromLow;
int rfromHigh;
int rtoLow;
int rtoHigh;
//green values
int gfromLow;
int gfromHigh;
int gtoLow;
int gtoHigh;
//blue values
int bfromLow;
int bfromHigh;
int btoLow;
int btoHigh;
void setup() {
//This line starts by initialising "pixels"
pixels.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED)
pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
//Nothing changes until this line is sent; // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.
setTargetValues();//put some initial values
void loop() {
int q;
currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - timerMillis >= timerLength) {
timerMillis = currentMillis;
for(q = 4;q > 0; q--){
routputValue[q] = routputValue[q-1];
goutputValue[q] = goutputValue[q-1];
boutputValue[q] = boutputValue[q-1];
routputValue[0] = map(inputValue,0,50,rtoLow,rtoHigh);
goutputValue[0] = map(inputValue,0,50,gtoLow,gtoHigh);
boutputValue[0] = map(inputValue,0,50,btoLow,btoHigh);
//the fade process will work in 50 steps
for(q = 0;q < NUMPIXELS;q++){
pixels.setPixelColor(q, pixels.Color(routputValue[q], goutputValue[q], boutputValue[q]));
};//change the neopixels values
inputValue += 10;
if(inputValue > 49){//0-50 steps so reset
inputValue = 0;
setTargetValues();//Set new targets
void setTargetValues(){
rtoLow = rtoHigh;//red set the start value as the old target
gtoLow = gtoHigh;//green set the start value as the old target
btoLow = btoHigh;//blue set the start value as the old target
rtoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Red
gtoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Green
btoHigh = random(0,255);//Set random target Blue
Additional Resource Links
Don't forget to use the Reference in you Arduino IDE for more help on this lesson see map()
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