Last Updated: 13/01/2024

#60 Arduino Project Connectors

Projects >> #60 Arduino Project Connectors

Connectors and plugs for Arduino Projects.

WARNING: I do not work on projects that use greater than 24v. These connectors are NOT SUITABLE for Mains voltage. Using them for higher voltages will lead to electrocution and fires. You have been warned!!

This is a brief overview of things to consider when connecting components through a number of different connector types.

Please watch the video for more information.

Selecting a Connector

These are some of the connector types I have used on projects. Each one has it's advantages and disadvantages so thought needs to be put into the process of choosing a connector.

Selecting the correct connector is not always easy, but it is worth spending the time and doing some reasearch before making decisions.


Things to bear in mind when choosing a connector.

1: How many Amps will be moving through the connector?

Check the specifications for the connector you wish to use.

2: How often does it need to be plugged/unplugged?

If something is being constantly unplugged you need to think about wear and tear and issues such as cables being pulled out of plugs.

3:What is the environment it will work in? Dust, Water, Vibration, Temperature?

There are connectors for just about every environment. Sometimes you just need to think about a device that operates in a similar environemnt and see what they use.

4: Does polarity matter?

Will thinks blow up if the item is plugged in backwards. With LiPo batteries this is a very serious consideration. Fire and explosion can rsult from a short circuit.

Each of these issues has been addressed by different types of connector or different precations.

Fail Safe

Fail safe is taking into consideration at the design phase what could go wrong.

Is it possible to confuse the plugs being connected?

make sure that plugs have different pin outs to prevent misplugging items. On the board below every plug that would be dangerous if plugged in incorrectly has a different pin out.
Multiple pin outs


Am I using the voltage expected for the plug?

You can put 5v through a household plug and socket and it will work with no problems. However no one would expect the plug to be 5v so may plug it in the mains!
If using USB connectors keep them at 5v, using a different voltage could cause confusion.

Is there a danger of the wires being pulled out?

Choose a plug that crimps the cable insulation.
In the pictures below of a model railway control panel you will note that when the cables pass through the board there are inserts to reduce abrasion on the cables.
meanwhile on the 2nd picture of the internal viiew cable straps have been screwed across the wires to prevent any strain being passed back to the curuit board screw connectors.

panel front

panel rear

Could wires short out?

Make sure wires are insulated with either tape or shrink wrap tubing.
In this image you will see that the connectors far right have heat shrink tubing over the soldered connections.

Control Panel internals


For help or suggestions on new projects, please email the address in this image: and use #60 Arduino Project Connectors as a reference.