Last Updated: 07/02/2025

Welcome to Digital Town

Welcome to Digital Town. This site was started to help teach some youngsters how to program in C++ with Arduinos and acted as a resource to some YouTube videos I had created.

Since then the site has grown as more videos and content has been added and is slowly being restructured to deal with the extra volume of content. Some of the latest tutorials are listed below. The various sections of the website contain more projects and tutorials.

Arduino C++ Lessons Components Projects 3D Printing
Joystick control of the L298N motor driver
Joystick motor control

Lesson 19 L298N Motor Driver with Arduino UNO
L298N Motor Driver

Lesson 18 - Project design, choosing sensors for railway speedometer project
Lesson 18 Choosing Sensors

1602A I2C LCD Screen with Arduino UNO
1602A I2C LCD Screen

Lesson 16 - Arduino Multi Mode Button
Multi Mode Buttons

Arduino C++ Lesson 5B, Arduino UNO with toggle switches
Digital Pins with Toggle Switches

Lesson 14 - External Interrupts part 1 - Rotary Encoder
External Interrupts

Lesson 12 - 28BYJ-48 ULN2003 Arduino UNO tutorial
28BYJ-48 Stepper motor

Lesson 1 Getting Started
getting Started with Arduino Uno

Lesson 2 Syntax and Serial Monitor
Syntax and Serial Monitor

Lesson 3 Controlliong timings with if() and millis()
Controlling Timings with millis()

Lesson 4 Digital Pins digitalWrite()
Digital Pins digitalWrite()

Lesson 5 Digital Pins digitalRead(), pull down resistors, debouncing buttons
Digital Pins digitalRead()

VL53L0X Laser ranging time of flight distance sensor
VL53L0X Distance Sensor

1602A I2C LCD Screen with Arduino UNO
1602A I2C LCD Screen

JQ8900 MP3 Player Arduino ESP32
DY-HV20T DY-HV8F MP3 Player

DY-SV5W MP3 PlayerDY-SV5W MP3 Player ESP32 Dev Module and ESP8266 D1 mini

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons
Arduino Projects Connectors and Plugs

DFmini player & MP3-TF-16P v3.0 Player

Arduino UNO and ESP32 controlling LED's with PCA9685

JQ8900 MP3 Player Arduino ESP32
JQ8900 MP3 player

CD4021BE Shift register
CD4021BE Shift register

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons
GS-1502 Linear Servo

Arduino/ESP32 GT911 Touch Screen
ESP32 with GT911 Capacitative Touch

PCA9685 controlling multiple servos direction and speed with millis()
PCA9685 Controlling servo speed and direction with millis()
Model Railway Servos part 2 speed control
Model Railway Control Servos part 2

Model Railway Servos part 1
Model Railway Control Servos part 1

nowRail v1.2.1 hand controller updates
nowRail 1.2.1 updates including changes to the touch screen controller

nowRail loco controller
nowRail Loco Controller

DY-HV8F, DY-HV20T, DY-SV8F and DY-SV5W integrating buttons and leds
Buttons and Leds DY-HV8F MP3

nowRail PCA9685 servos
nowRail PCA9685 Servo Control

nowRail 1.0.1 MP3 player implementation
nowRail MP3 control

ESP32 or Arduino DCC Accessory Decoder Circuit
ESP32 or Arduino DCC Accessory Decoder Circuit

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons
Fail Safe Project Design

Model Railway Indexing DCC Turntable
Indexing Turntable construction and code

Arduino Indexing DCC Model Railway Traverser
Indexing Traverser

Indexing Traverser

DCC Accessory Decoder, sounds and lights Arduino UNO
DCC Accessory Decoder, sounds and lights Arduino UNO

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons
Model railway crossing with Servo Barriers, LED lighting and sound

Arduino Robot Car
Obstacle Avoidance car
Servo controlled Kadee Uncoupler
nowRail Loco Controller

Turnout Servo Mount with Microswitch
Turnout Servo Mount with Microswitch

nowRail loco controller
nowRail Loco Controller

Other Videos
Lesson 1 Getting Started
ESP3.0.0 Custom MAC Address
Lesson 1 Getting Started
ESP-NOW with ESP32 V3.0.0 Library
PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons
ESP-NOW Broadcast mode
DY-SV5W MP3 Player
Windows 11 CH340 driver issues

Fixing Slow Arduino IDE
Fixing a slow IDE


Why is this site called Digital Town?
I owned the domain name so it seemed a waste not to use it.

If you have any projects you would like videos on please email the address in this image: and use Welcome to Digital Town as a reference.