Last Updated: 03/04/2024

Projects & Components

A look at Arduino projects and some of the thought process behind them.

As a lot of the projects I have built are linked to Model Railway Control I have split the projects into 2 sections.

Non Model railway Projects

Model Railway Projects


#70 ESP-NOW Broadcast Mode 06/03/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

#69 Fail Safe project planning 21/02/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

#60 Arduino Connectors and Plugs 15/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

#59 Arduino Project Wiring 13/01/2024

Project wiring

Arduino Robot Car


Arduino Robot Car

State Machine Example based around model railway requirements 08/03/2023

State Machine Example

PCA9685 Servo Control with buttons, point/turnout control for model railways 01/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

PCA9685 Servo Setter Project 29/12/23

PCA9685 Servo Setter

CatWasherV4 Cat deterrent 27/09/2021

CatWasherV4 Cat deterrent2

Power Supply and Oscilloscope 24/09/2021

Power Supply and Oscilloscope

Model Railway Control and Effects

ESP32 or Arduino DCC Accessory Decoder Circuit 03/04/2024

ESP32 or Arduino DCC Accessory Decoder Circuit

#73 Arduino C++ nonRail introduction 25/03/2024

nowRail Introduction

#63 Arduino C++ Gas Light effects using an Arduino and PCA9685 servo driver board 26/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

#62 DCC decoder controlling servos and LED's 23/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

State Machine Example based around model railway requirements 08/03/2023

State Machine Example

#58 Model railway crossing with Servo Barriers, LED lighting and sound 08/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

Isle of Mudd Model Railway 27/12/2023

Isle of Mudd Model Railway

PCA9685 Servo Control with buttons, point/turnout control for model railways 01/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

PCA9685 Servo Setter Project 29/12/23

PCA9685 Servo Setter

Arduino Indexing DCC Traverser 24/12/23


Arduino Indexing DCC Model Railway Traverser 20/03/23

Arduino Indexing DCC Model Railway Traverser

DCC Modular Layouts and Control Panels 02/02/2022

DCC Modular Layouts and Control Panels

Model Railway Indexing DCC Turntable 26/12/2021

Model Railway Indexing DCC Turntable

ESP32 DCC Accessory Decoder 27/10/2021

ESP32 DCC Accessory Decoder

DCC Accessory Decoder, sounds and lights Arduino UNO 12/10/2021

DCC Accessory Decoder, sounds and lights Arduino UNO

#62 DCC decoder controlling servos and LED's 23/01/2024

PCA9685 servos controlled by buttons

Model Railway Light Effects using PCA685 and LED's with Arduino or ESP32 09/05/2022

Model Railway Light Effects using PCA685 and LED's with Arduino or ESP32


How To's

How To 1 : Debouncing buttons 15/09/2021

How To 2 : Multiple HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensors using bit shifting with 74HC595 05/10/2021

How To 3 : Issues when joining two sketches together 22/10/2021

How To 4 : Creating a Project - Alarm example 25/10/2021

How To 5 : Nema 17 stepper motor using micros() for timing. 08/12/2021

How To 6 : FIFO (Circular) Buffer 23/12/2023


If you have any projects you would like videos on please email the address in this image: and use Projects & Components as a reference.