Last Updated: 24/09/2021

Lesson 7 - delay() and millis()

Lessons >> Basics >> Lesson 7 - delay() and millis()

Lesson Contents

Controlling timing of programs
Using the functions:
Understanding how changing delay() effects the timing of other parts of the program
Understanding how millis() allows timing of a section of code to change without effecting other parts of the program.
Generating a random number using the random() function
Using an unsigned long for storing time.
Running multiple timers at once.
Adjusting the start time of a timer

Example 1: delayMillisv1.ino

Click to Download code:delayMillisv1.ino

Timing 3 items with delay()

/* 23/07/21
 * delayMillisv1
 * Basic delay script
int q;

void setup() {
  // Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
  //Send script name
  //this will print a blank line
  Serial.println(" ");


void loop(){
  Serial.println("1st Item");
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
  Serial.println("2nd Item");
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 second)
  Serial.println("3rd Item");
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 second)


Example 2: delayMillisv2.ino

Click to Download code:delayMillisv2.ino

Errors caused by code running and alteration in other delay()'s .
Using the function random() to generate a random number.

/* 23/07/21
 * delayMillisv2
 * Problems of keeping exact time when work is introduced.
int q;

void setup() {
  // Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
  //Send script name
  //this will print a blank line
  Serial.println(" ");


void loop(){
  Serial.println("1st Item");
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
  Serial.println("2nd Item");
  //delay is now a random number between 500 and 2500
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 second)
  Serial.println("3rd Item");
  //Delay stops all Arduino Activity for 2000 milliseconds (2 second)


Example 3: delayMillisv3.ino

Click to Download code:delayMillisv3.ino

introducing millis() to control three timings.
Altering the start time of a timer by giving the unsigned long an initial value.

/* 23/07/21
 * delayMillisv3
 * Basics of millis().
int q;
unsigned long timer1 = 0;
unsigned long timer2 = 2000;
unsigned long timer3 = 4000;

void setup() {
  // Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
  //Send script name
  //this will print a blank line
  Serial.println(" ");


void loop(){
  if(millis() > timer1){
    //take the current time and add 6 seconds (6000);
    timer1 = millis() + 6000;
    Serial.println("1st Item");
  if(millis() > timer2){
    //take the current time and add 6 seconds (6000);
    timer2 = millis() + 6000;
    Serial.println("2nd Item");
  if(millis() > timer3){
    //take the current time and add 6 seconds (6000);
    timer3 = millis() + 6000;
    Serial.println("3rd Item");


Example 4: delayMillisv4.ino

Click to Download code:delayMillisv4.ino

Three timers running at different timings without effecting each other.
Using random() to generate a random number

/* 23/07/21
 * delayMillisv4
 * Using millis() to control 3 timers with different timings.
int q;
unsigned long timer1 = 0;
unsigned long timer2 = 2000;
unsigned long timer3 = 4000;

void setup() {
  // Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
  //Send script name
  //this will print a blank line
  Serial.println(" ");


void loop(){
  if(millis() > timer1){
    //take the current time and add 6 seconds (6000);
    timer1 = millis() + 6000;
    Serial.println("1st Item");

  //if the value of millis is above the timer value
  if(millis() > timer2){
    //take the current time and add 3.5 seconds (3500) to reset the timer
    timer2 = millis() + 3500;
    Serial.println("2nd Item");

  if(millis() > timer3){
    //take the current time and add 2 to 8 seconds (2000 - 8000);
    timer3 = millis() + random(2000,8000);;
    Serial.println("3rd Item");


Additional Resource Links

There is a new example sketch on the tone() function page integrating a tone() with a flashing LED.

Don't forget to use the Reference in you Arduino IDE and look at millis() for more help on this lesson.


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