Last Updated: 20/07/2021
Functions Lesson 1 - digitalWrite()
Functions >> Functions Lesson 1 - digitalWrite()
Lesson Contents
Using a Digital Pin
What pins are digital and which ones to use
Using the function digitalWrite();
Understanding HIGH and LOW
Using the function pinMode()
Understanding OUTPUT and INPUT
Defining a constant integer (const int)
Using the built in LED.
Problems with LED_BUILTIN
Writing a better "blink" sketch
Example 1: blinkv2.ino
Click to Download code:blinkv2.ino
Using the function digitalWrite();
Understanding HIGH and LOW
Using the function pinMode()
Understanding OUTPUT and INPUT
Defining a constant integer (const int)
Using the built in LED.
Problems with LED_BUILTIN
/* An improved version of the blink sketch.
* blinkv2
* Removing the use of LED_BUILTIN
* Defining our pin
* Understanding pinMode()
* Understanding digitalWrite()
* Understanding HIGH and LOW and it's alternatives
* pin 13 ...LED
// This line is OK, but using const int is much better and safer
//int ledPin = 13;//pin 13 has a built in LED
//const int is an int that cannot have it's value changed
const int ledPin = 13;//pin 13 has a built in LED
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//The original LED_BUILTIN in has been removed as it can lead to bad habits in not defining a variable
//Also it will not work on other makes of board.
//A digital pin can be an INPUT or an OUTPUT. Input is used to read incoming data, OUTPUT makes the pin
//into a digital switch to send outgoing data.
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
Example 2: blinkv3.ino
Click to Download code:blinkv3.ino
Alternatives to using HIGH and LOW
using a Constant Integer (const int) instead of HIGH and LOW
/* An improved version of the blink sketch.
* blinkv3
* Removing the use of LED_BUILTIN
* Defining our pin
* Understanding pinMode()
* Understanding digitalWrite()
* Understanding HIGH and LOW and it's alternatives
* pin 13 ...LED
//const int is an int that cannot have it's value changed
const int ledPin = 13;//pin 13 has a built in LED
const int turnOnLED = 1;
const int turnOffLED = 0;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600) starts serial communication. 9600bps bits per second = 1200 characters per second
//Send script name
//this will print a blank line
Serial.println(" ");
//The original LED_BUILTIN in has been removed as it can lead to bad habits in not defining a variable
//Also it will not work on other makes of board.
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);//A pin can be an INPUT or an OUTPUT
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
//this is good
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is 5 volts)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW 0 volts
delay(1000); // wait for a second
//This code is good as it is clear what is happening
//Turn the ledPin (pin 13) on (HIGH) with a variable turnOnLED that has a value of 1 (not equal to Zero) so could be -2, -200, +35, 64
//wait half a second
//Turn the ledPin (pin 13) off (LOW) with a variable turnOffLED that has a value of 0
//Below is NOT a good way to write code, although the code works it would quickly become very confusing.
//by calling pin 13 directly we no longer know what pin 13 does, this causes confusion in larger sketches
digitalWrite(13, 1);//Although the value 1 makes the pin HIGH, it would be better with a variable name
digitalWrite(13, 0);//LOW equals 0 but again would be better with a variable name
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