Last Updated: 23/09/2021
ads1256 24bit ADC with Arduino Due
Components >> ads1256 24bit ADC with Arduino Due
ads1256 24bit ADC with Arduino Due
The background to this example is the Oscilloscope project I have been working on. I discovered a few speed issues that I could not get round using the analog pins on the Arduino Due as I was also using a touch screen. The second was that I wanted to measure differential voltageson and the Arduino pins measure against ground.
The ads1256 allows measurment either to Gnd or differentials between different channels. This example only looks at differential voltages.
Circuit Diagram
I have coded this for use with an Arduino Due
The Due has a seperate SPI header
As all digital pins can be used as an interrupts soI used the following as they suited my project
#define ADS_RST_PIN 52 //ADS1256 reset pin
#define ADS_RDY_PIN 48 //ADS1256 data ready...INTERRUPT PIN (any pin can be used on a Due)
#define ADS_CS_PIN 50 //ADS1256 chip select
This code uses various features and functions learnt in the C++ tutorial section, see C++ Lessons for the individual lessons.
Many thanks to those whose work this was built on.
The first link below gives examples of how to use this board with the Arduino UNO and Mega 2560
Mods made to Original Code: Gain left at default value instead of: SetRegisterValue(ADCON, PGA_64); //set the adcon register
New function: void swapChannel(int swapTo)
Removed functions:
void read_two_values()
void read_three_values()
Removed because int32_t read_Value() when combined with void swapChannel(int swapTo) can swap between channels as desired and it simplifies the code.
digitalWriteFast.h was removed as it does not work with the Due and the Due is fast enough without it.
References to digitalWriteFast() changed to digitalWrite()
that was built on the work of
Example 1: ads1256ArduinoDueExample.ino
Click to Download code:ads1256ArduinoDueExample.ino
All the code has been reduced to a single file for the example however the lower sections would be best broken out into seperate tabs as in the original to make the code easier to read.
/* 23/09/2021
Measuring Differential voltages.
All code is in this single file, not the best way to code
best to use seperate tabs for ads1256_constants and ads1256_stuff
These are marked below the loop() but are placed in this single file to make downloads easier
built up on the work of:
that was built on the work of
Mods made to Original Code:
Gain left at default value instead of: SetRegisterValue(ADCON, PGA_64); //set the adcon register
New function
void swapChannel(int swapTo)
Removed functions:
void read_two_values()
void read_three_values()
Removed because int32_t read_Value() when combined with void swapChannel(int swapTo)
can swap between channels as desired and it simplifies the code.
digitalWriteFast.h was removed as it does not work with the Due and the Due is fast enough without it
references to digitalWriteFast() changed to digitalWrite()
Pins out is different as Arduino Due has a seperate SPI header
I also wanted to use pins as defined below as this was part of a bigger project.
//Pins defined for an Arduino Due
#define ADS_RST_PIN 52 //ADS1256 reset pin
#define ADS_RDY_PIN 48 //ADS1256 data ready...INTERRUPT PIN (any pin can be used on a Due)
#define ADS_CS_PIN 50 //ADS1256 chip select
float myVolts = 1.0000;
int32_t val1;//Holds the returned value
unsigned long myTimer;//millis() timer, holds the next time
int myChannel;//used to toggle between the channels
//The line below was worked out manually as in my finished project I have a voltage divider so use a different value
long voltAdjuster = 1580510;//converts the returned value to Volts.
void setup() {
delay(1000);//let everything settle
//initialize pins for the ADS
//set up the ads1256 board
Serial.println("done init");
void loop() {
if (micros() > myTimer) {
//Serial.print() functions need to be commented out to test at very high speeds
//Data will need to be read into an array;
//myTimer = micros() + 40; //fast channel swap test
myTimer = micros() + 100;
//swap between channels
if (myChannel < 1) {
myChannel = 1;
} else {
myChannel = 0;
if (myChannel < 1) {
swapChannel(0x01); //0-1 differential between channels
Serial.print("Channel 0: ");
} else {
//swapChannel(0x23); //2-3
//swapChannel(0x45); //4-5
swapChannel(0x67); //6-7 differential between channels
Serial.print("Channel 1: ");
val1 = read_Value();
Serial.print(" = Volts: ");
myVolts = (1.0000 * val1) / voltAdjuster;
//print voltage to 4 decimal places
Serial.println(myVolts, 4);
//using the definitions in this library:
#define SPI_SPEED 2500000
/* For information to the register and settings see manual page (p..) */
/* ADS1248 Register (see p42 for Register Map) */
#define STATUS 0x00 //Status Control Register 0
#define MUX 0x01 //Multiplexer Control Register 0
#define ADCON 0x02 //A/D Control Register 0
#define DRATE 0x03 //A/D Data Rate Control Register 0
#define IO 0X04 //GPIO Control Register 0
#define OFC0 0x05 //Offset Calibration Coefficient Register 1
#define OFC1 0x06 //Offset Calibration Coefficient Register 2
#define OFC2 0x07 //Offset Calibration Coefficient Register 2
#define FSC0 0x08 //Full scale Callibration Coefficient Register 0
#define FSC1 0x09 //Full scale Callibration Coefficient Register 1
#define FSC2 0x0A //Full scale Callibration Coefficient REgister 2
/*STATUS - Status Control Register 0 ( see p30)*/
/* BIT7 - BIT6 - BIT5 - BIT4 - BIT3 - BIT2 - BIT1 - BIT0 */
/* ID - ID - ID - ID - ORDER - ACAL - BUFEN - DRDY */
#define STATUS_RESET 0x01 // Reset STATUS Register
/*Bits 7 - 4 ID3, ID2, ID1, ID0 Factory Programmed Identification Bits(Read Only)*/
/*ORDER1:0 Data Output Bit Order*/
#define ORDER_MSB B00000000 // Most significant Bit first (default)
#define ORDER_LSB B00001000//Least significant Bit first
/*Input data is always shifted in most significant byte and bit first. Output data is always shifted out most significant
byte first. The ORDER bit only controls the bit order of the output data within the byte.*/
/*ACAL1:0 Auto Calibration*/
#define ACAL_OFF B00000000 // Auto Calibration Disabled (default)
#define ACAL_ON B00000100 // Auto Calibration Enabled
/*When Auto-Calibration is enabled, self-calibration begins at the completion of the WREG command that changes
the PGA (bits 0-2 of ADCON register), DR (bits 7-0 in the DRATE register) or BUFEN (bit 1 in the STATUS register)
/*BUFEN1:0 Analog Input Buffer Enable*/
#define BUFEN_OFF B00000000 //Buffer Disabled (default)
#define BUFEN_ON B00000010 //BUffer Enabled
/*DRDY1:0 Data Ready (Read Only) Duplicates the state of the DRDY pin*/
/* MUX - Multiplexer Control Register 0 (see p31 - bring together with bitwise OR | */
/* BIT7 - BIT6 - BIT5 - BIT4 - BIT3 - BIT2 - BIT1 - BIT0 */
/* PSEL3 - PSEL2 - PSEL1 - PSEL0 - NSEL3 - NSEL2 - NSEL1 - NSEL0 */
#define MUX_RESET 0x01 // Reset MUX0 Register
/* PSEL3:0 Positive input channel selection bits */
#define P_AIN0 B00000000 //(default)
#define P_AIN1 B00010000
#define P_AIN2 B00100000
#define P_AIN3 B00110000
#define P_AIN4 B01000000
#define P_AIN5 B01010000
#define P_AIN6 B01100000
#define P_AIN7 B01110000
#define P_AINCOM B10000000
/* NSEL3:0 Negativ input channel selection bits */
#define N_AIN0 B00000000
#define N_AIN1 B00000001 //(default)
#define N_AIN2 B00000010
#define N_AIN3 B00000011
#define N_AIN4 B00000100
#define N_AIN5 B00000101
#define N_AIN6 B00000110
#define N_AIN7 B00000111
#define N_AINCOM B00001000
/*ADCON - A/D Control Register 0 ( see p31)*/
/* BIT7 - BIT6 - BIT5 - BIT4 - BIT3 - BIT2 - BIT1 - BIT0 */
/* 0 - CLK1 - CLK0 - SDCS1 - SDCS0 - PGA2 - PGA1 - PAG0 */
#define ADCON_RESET 0x20 // Reset ADCON Register
/*CLK2:0 D0/CLKOUT Clock Out Rate Setting*/
#define CLK_OFF B00000000 //Clock Out off
#define CLK_1 B00100000 //Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN (default)
#define CLK_2 B01000000 //Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/2
#define CLK_4 B01100000 //Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/4
/*When not using CLKOUT, it is recommended that it be turned off. These bits can only be reset using the RESET pin.*/
/*SDCS2:0 Sensor Detection Current Sources*/
#define SDCS_OFF B00000000//Sensor Detect Off (default)
#define SDCS_05 B00001000//Sensor Detect Current 0.5?A
#define SDCS_2 B00010000//Sensor Detect Current 2?A
#define SDCS_10 B00011000//Sensor Detect Current 10?A
/*The Sensor Detect Current Sources can be activated to verify the integrity of an external sensor supplying a signal to the
ADS1255/6. A shorted sensor produces a very small signal while an open-circuit sensor produces a very large signal.*/
/*PGA3:0 Programmable Gain Amplifier Setting*/
#define PGA_1 //(default)
#define PGA_2
#define PGA_4
#define PGA_8
#define PGA_16
#define PGA_32
#define PGA_64 B00100111
/*DRATE - A/D Data Rate Register 0 ( see p32)*/
/* BIT7 - BIT6 - BIT5 - BIT4 - BIT3 - BIT2 - BIT1 - BIT0 */
/* DR7 - DR6 - DR5 - DR4 - DR3 - DR2 - DR1 - DR0 */
#define DRATE_RESET 0xF0 // Reset DRATE Register
/*DR7:0 Data Rate Setting*/
#define DR_30000 B11110000 //30.000 SPS (default)
#define DR_15000 B11100000 //15.000 SPS
#define DR_7500 B11010000 //7.500 SPS
#define DR_3750 B11000000 //3.750 SPS
#define DR_2000 B10110000 //2.000 SPS
#define DR_1000 B10100001 //1.000 SPS
#define DR_500 B10010010 //500 SPS
#define DR_100 B10000010 //100 SPS
#define DR_60 B01110010 //60 SPS
#define DR_50 B01100011 //50 SPS
#define DR_30 B01010011 //30 SPS
#define DR_25 B01000011 //25 SPS
#define DR_15 B00110011 //15 SPS
#define DR_10 B00100011 //10 SPS
#define DR_5 B00010011 //5 SPS
#define DR2_5 B00000011 //2,5 SPS
/*IO - GPIO Control Register 0 ( see p32)*/
/* BIT7 - BIT6 - BIT5 - BIT4 - BIT3 - BIT2 - BIT1 - BIT0 */
/* DIR3 - DIR2 - DIR1 - DIR0 - DIO3 - DIO2 - DIO1 - DIO0 */
#define IO_RESET 0xE0 // Reset IO Register
/*DIR3 - Digital I/O Direction for Pin D3*/
#define DIR3_OUT B00000000 //D3 is an output
#define DIR_IN B10000000 //D3 is an input (default)
/*DIR2 - Digital I/O Direction for Pin D3*/
#define DIR2_OUT B00000000 //D2 is an output
#define DIR2_IN B01000000 //D2 is an input (default)
/*DIR1 - Digital I/O Direction for Pin D3*/
#define DIR1_OUT B00000000 //D1 is an output
#define DIR1_IN B00100000 //D1 is an input (default)
/*DIR0 - Digital I/O Direction for Pin D3*/
#define DIR0_OUT B00000000 //D0/CLKOUT is an output
#define DIR0_IN B00010000 //D0/CLKOUT is an input (default)
/*DIO3:0 Status of Digital I/O, Read Only*/
#define WAKEUP 0x00 //Exit Sleep Mode
#define STANDBY 0xFD //Enter Sleep Mode
#define SYNC 0xFC //Synchornize the A/D Conversion
#define RESET 0xFE //Reset To Power UP values
#define NOP 0xFF //No operation
#define RDATA 0x01 //Read data once
#define RDATAC 0x03 //Read data continously
#define SDATAC 0x0F //Stop reading data continously
#define RREG 0x10 //Read From Register
#define WREG 0x50 //Write To Register
/*Calibration */
#define SYSOCAL 0xF3 //System Offset Calibration
#define SYSGCAL 0xF2 //System Gain Calibration
#define SELFCAL 0xF0 //Self Offset Calibration
//end of ads1256_constants
//Start of ads_1256_stuff
//built up on the work of:
void initADS() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ADS_RDY_PIN), DRDY_Interuppt, FALLING);
digitalWrite(ADS_RST_PIN, LOW);
delay(10); // LOW at least 4 clock cycles of onboard clock. 100 microsecons is enough
digitalWrite(ADS_RST_PIN, HIGH); // now reset to deafult values
//now reset the ADS
//let the system power up and stabilize (datasheet pg 24)
//this enables the buffer which gets us more accurate voltage readings
// SetRegisterValue(STATUS,B00110010);
//next set the mux register
//we are only trying to read differential values from pins 0 and 1. your needs may vary.
//this is the default setting so we can just reset it
SetRegisterValue(MUX,MUX_RESET); //set the mux register
//B00001000 for single ended measurement
//now set the ADCON register
//set the PGA to 64x
//you need to adjust the constants for the other ones according to datasheet pg 31 if you need other values
//Using default for now...this amount of gain pushed everything off the limits
//SetRegisterValue(ADCON, PGA_64); //set the adcon register
//next set the data rate
SetRegisterValue(DRATE, DR_30000); //set the drate register
//we're going to ignore the GPIO for now...
//lastly, we need to calibrate the system
//let it settle
//then do calibration
SendCMD(SELFCAL); //send the calibration command
SendCMD(BUFEN_ON); //send the calibration command
//then print out the values
Serial.print("OFC0: ");
Serial.print("OFC1: ");
Serial.print("OFC2: ");
Serial.print("FSC0: ");
Serial.print("FSC1: ");
Serial.print("FSC2: ");
//function to read a value
//this assumes that we are not changing the mux action
//Defaults to 0-1 unless channels swapped with swapChannel(int swapTo)
int32_t read_Value() {
int32_t adc_val;
waitforDRDY(); // Wait until DRDY is LOW
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW); //Pull SS Low to Enable Communications with ADS1247
//delayMicroseconds(5); // RD: Wait 25ns for ADC12xx to get ready
SPI.transfer(RDATA); //Issue RDATA
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
if (adc_val > 0x7fffff) { //if MSB == 1
adc_val = adc_val - 16777216; //do 2's complement, keep the sign this time!
return adc_val;
//library files
volatile int DRDY_state = HIGH;
void waitforDRDY() {
while (DRDY_state) {
DRDY_state = HIGH;
//Interrupt function
void DRDY_Interuppt() {
DRDY_state = LOW;
long GetRegisterValue(uint8_t regAdress) {
uint8_t bufr;
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.transfer(RREG | regAdress); // send 1st command byte, address of the register
SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 2nd command byte, read only one register
bufr = SPI.transfer(NOP); // read data of the register
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(_START, LOW);
return bufr;
void SendCMD(uint8_t cmd) {
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); // initialize SPI with 4Mhz clock, MSB first, SPI Mode0
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
void Reset() {
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); // initialize SPI with clock, MSB first, SPI Mode1
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.transfer(RESET); //Reset
delay(2); //Minimum 0.6ms required for Reset to finish.
SPI.transfer(SDATAC); //Issue SDATAC
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
void SetRegisterValue(uint8_t regAdress, uint8_t regValue) {
uint8_t regValuePre = GetRegisterValue(regAdress);
if (regValue != regValuePre) {
//digitalWrite(_START, HIGH);
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); // initialize SPI with SPI_SPEED, MSB first, SPI Mode1
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.transfer(WREG | regAdress); // send 1st command byte, address of the register
SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 2nd command byte, write only one register
SPI.transfer(regValue); // write data (1 Byte) for the register
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(_START, LOW);
if (regValue != GetRegisterValue(regAdress)) { //Check if write was succesfull
Serial.print("Write to Register 0x");
Serial.print(regAdress, HEX);
Serial.println(" failed!");
else {
int32_t read_Value1() {
int32_t adc_val;
waitforDRDY(); // Wait until DRDY is LOW
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW); //Pull SS Low to Enable Communications with ADS1247
//delayMicroseconds(5); // RD: Wait 25ns for ADC12xx to get ready
SPI.transfer(WREG | MUX); // send 1st command byte, address of the register
SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 2nd command byte, write only one register
SPI.transfer(0x67); //pins registers 2 and 3
//now we need to sync
//need to delay by 4x SPI clock = 2.35 uS (t1)
//to be safe 5 uS
//again delay by t1
//send wakeup
//then delay one more time by t1 before rdata
SPI.transfer(RDATA); //Issue RDATA
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
if (adc_val > 0x7fffff) { //if MSB == 1
adc_val = adc_val - 16777216; //do 2's complement, keep the sign this time!
return adc_val;
int32_t read_Value2() {
int32_t adc_val;
waitforDRDY(); // Wait until DRDY is LOW
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW); //Pull SS Low to Enable Communications with ADS1247
//delayMicroseconds(5); // RD: Wait 25ns for ADC12xx to get ready
SPI.transfer(WREG | MUX); // send 1st command byte, address of the register
SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 2nd command byte, write only one register
SPI.transfer(0x01); //pins registers 2 and 3
//now we need to sync
//need to delay by 4x SPI clock = 2.35 uS (t1)
//to be safe 5 uS
//again delay by t1
//send wakeup
//then delay one more time by t1 before rdata
SPI.transfer(RDATA); //Issue RDATA
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(NOP);
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
if (adc_val > 0x7fffff) { //if MSB == 1
adc_val = adc_val - 16777216; //do 2's complement, keep the sign this time!
return adc_val;
//function to swap between the different channels
void swapChannel(int swapTo) {
//int32_t adc_val;
waitforDRDY(); // Wait until DRDY is LOW
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW); //Pull SS Low to Enable Communications with ADS1247
//delayMicroseconds(5); // RD: Wait 25ns for ADC12xx to get ready
SPI.transfer(WREG | MUX); // send 1st command byte, address of the register
SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 2nd command byte, write only one register
//SPI.transfer(0x01); //pins registers 2 and 3
SPI.transfer(swapTo); //pins registers 2 and 3
//now we need to sync
//need to delay by 4x SPI clock = 2.35 uS (t1)
//to be safe 5 uS
//again delay by t1
//send wakeup
//then delay one more time by t1 before rdata
//End of ads1256_stuff
Additional Resource Links
The example I started with:
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